de Callosa de Segura
Representations 2024
1ª.- Saturday, December 21, at 5:00 PM.
2ª.- Sunday, December 22, at 5:00 PM.
Venue: Casa de Cultura "Reina Sofía"
Callosa de Segura (Alicante)
Free Admission
Information and Booking: 623 30 73 37

Announcing Poster
"Los Pastores de Callosa"
Author: Laureano Peña
Music: Felipe Alcántara
Musical Adaptation: Antonio Aguilar
Musica Readaptation: Felipe Vicente Manresa
Complementary Acts: Agustín Aguilar
A Christmas zarzuela in verse, first performed in Madrid in 1914 and in Callosa de Segura in 1928. Since then, it has been staged at various times and in different theaters across the city.
In its current format, it consists of five acts and has always enjoyed the affection of the Callosa audience, traditionally very fond of the genre chico zarzuela.
The Patronato de la Pasión, a lover of our town's culture, revived this ancient tradition during Christmas 1999, thanks to the determination of its stage director, Mrs. Amparo Illán, and the director of the Young Band of the Sociedad de Arte Musical "La Filarmónica" of Callosa, Mr. Antonio Aguilar, band that performs live, under the baton of Mr. Felipe Vicente Manresa, who since 2018, is the new musical director and composer of new preambles and adaptations, and since 2024, Ms. Nieves González Cartagena, is the new stage director.
Since then, it has continuously been performed in our city, celebrating two decades as part of Callosa's Christmas, with growing public success that annually fills the main auditorium of Casa de Cultura "Reina Sofía" in Callosa de Segura.
People from the locality and surrounding towns come to watch this delightful and unique show, which features many actors from "La Pasión de Callosa" and uses the same stage machinery and costumes.